

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Windows Keep Opening

You've heard the saying, "Where one door closes, another one opens." I like to think of the variation about the WINDOW opening because of the ability to look through the window in the first place where we might actually see what is out there. Apparently Alexander Grahm Bell coined the phrase and online I was able to find the full quote:

When one door closes another door opens; but we so often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us. – Alexander Graham Bell

And then upon researching it online I learn some attribute the phrase to Helen Keller - am amazing woman. Apparently she was friends with Bell, so perhaps it was a quote that came out of conversation between two great minds.

Anyway, I've been thinking about how my path changes and so many times the opportunities that present themselves are not the ones I've been chasing. Recently though a door closed and I was remorseful and bitter and couldn't shift my thinking for over a week. It seems though that the universe saw something better for me to open up my eyes to and handsomely rewarded me and my efforts over the past two years.

Photo credit JLMphoto on flickr

Sharing the exact situation of what door closed and which window opened is less important than the lesson of having faith that it will and to be aware of it when it happens.


  1. I agree. I spend a lot of time trying to let the world show me my path instead of me trying to force my way down a particular one that I think is best. It's hard, but gets easier with practice!

    1. I think most of us are brought up with goal setting skills and laying out the ideal plan... and not taught that the path may change, that the journey is part of the gold at the end of the rainbow, and to stop and enjoy the view from where we are every once in awhile. Grateful that I'm taking on this perspective now, because some don't adopt this kind of outlook until their golden years ; )

  2. Thanks for the reminder! I feel like I have had to let so many opportunities pass me by since we PCSed and I've been in a funk, holding onto all the things I had to miss out on.
    I know there will be more opportunities, I just have to keep my eyes open for them :)

